Tawonga Nkhonjera

Tawonga Nkhonjera

Africa, Malawi, Women and Gender Issues, 2016

As the founder and director of Dikamawoko Arts in Malawi, Tawonga Nkhonjera has more than six years of experience fostering the talents of Malawian youth by providing resources for them to create works of art and advocate for critical social issues in Malawi, including gender-based violence, child abuse, and issues relating to health and wellness. Nkhonjera harnesses their skills in filmmaking, music, spoken word (theatre, poetry and storytelling), traditional dance and creative writing. During his fellowship in the United States, Nkhonjera hopes to learn about policy building and implementation of girl empowerment and gender equity and capacity building initiatives for youth. After returning home from the Community Solutions Program, Nkhonjera plans to promote health and well-being among Malawian youth through art.