Nasiba Mirpochoeva

Nasiba Mirpochoeva

Europe & Eurasia, Tajikistan, Environmental Issues, Women and Gender Issues, 2015

As a Special Performance Specialist at MDO “Arvand,” Nasiba Mirpochoeva helps track and achieve the organization’s social goals and objectives through social projects, trainings, and various activities aimed at raising financial literacy awareness and promoting entrepreneurship activity among rural people, including women and youth. As a Community Solutions Program Fellow, Mirpochoeva hopes learn more about effective leadership and advanced approaches on women and youth empowerment from U.S. community leaders and to develop practical and effective project management skills.

Upon returning from the Community Solutions Program, Mirpochoeva plans on promoting rural women’s economic empowerment through the implementation of various trainings on capacity building, leadership, financial literacy, and development of entrepreneurship skills.