Musammat Badrunnesha

Musammat Badrunnesha

Asia, Bangladesh, Environmental Issues, Women and Gender Issues, 2013

Musammat Badrunnesha has been serving for more than 14 years as a career oriented administrator, facilitator, and training coordinator in the regional educational field as well as overseas. She has a broad range of professional experiences and is currently working as the Chairperson and CEO of the Empowerment and Human Development Society. During her CSP Fellowship, Badrunnesha worked with Girls Inc. and the YWCA in Grand Rapids, Michigan, learning strategies to empower girls and how she could apply these to the context of Bangladesh. Following the Community Solutions Program, Badrunnesha was awarded for the Alumni Excellence Award by the US Embassy Dhaka for her instrumental role in promoting the English Language in Sylhet region of Bangladesh. She has also taken the initiative to start the Capitan Academy, a school in Sylhet that also incorporates a training and research center.
