Kula Zodua

Kula Zodua

Africa, Liberia, Environmental Issues, Women and Gender Issues, 2014

Kula Aatoz Zodua is an activist and social worker with over ten years of experience working with organizations addressing social justice issues and women’s empowerment. As a Senior Program Officer at Women Alert, a women-led local non-profit organization, Zodua coordinates the Entrepreneurship for Girls Initiative which gives business and job skills training to young women. She also coordinates the women’s lending program and the Women Alert Girls Educational Endowment Fund, which helped 150 out-of-school youth return to school in 2013. As a co-founder, Zodua also works with the organization’s leadership to develop its strategic plans. While in the U.S., Zodua completed her fellowship at the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center in San Francisco, California, where she learned new ways to empower and educate young women. Having completed the Community Solution Program, Zodua is focusing on reaching young homeless women through skills training programs as a form of empowerment.

Email: kzodua1@gmail.com