Jessyka Lorena Manotas Munoz

Jessyka Lorena Manotas Munoz

Americas, Colombia, Transparency and Accountability, Transparency and Accountability, 2021

As the Executive Director for Fundación Foro Costa Atlántica and member of the human rights platform "Defendamos la Paz," Jessyka Manotas Muñoz has experience advocating for human rights, promoting citizen participation, and designing and implementing public policies targeted to vulnerable populations. For her follow-on project in Colombia, Jessyka plans to support the advocacy process of "Defendamos la Paz" and other local peacebuilding spaces to make the peace agenda visible in the 2022 national elections.

Jessyka will be placed at River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding in Gainesville, FL to create a community peacebuilding project based on the organization's methodology for dialogue and social and emotional learning.