Esmael Njuguna

Esmael Njuguna

Africa, Kenya, Women and Gender Issues, 2016

As founder and director for AfyAfrika, Esmael Njuguna is committed to working with marginalized members of his community on sexuality, human rights and HIV/AIDS education and advocacy. During his fellowship in the United States, Njuguna hopes to examine the social, cultural and economic factors that prevent young women from making healthy decisions and contribute to their vulnerability to poor sexual and reproductive health outcomes, exposure to HIV, sexual violence, undesired pregnancy, female genital mutilation and other harmful practices. Upon returning from the Community Solutions Program, Njuguna plans to explore how use of ICT can contribute to the abandonment of female genital mutilation in Kenya, as he believes that development of essential leadership, teamwork, public speaking and advocacy will enable him to advance the sexual well being of the community he serves.