Edward Koroma

Edward Koroma

Africa, Sierra Leone, Environmental Issues, Transparency and Accountability, 2013

Edward B. Koroma serves as Programmes Manager at Transparency International Sierra Leone (TISL), where he is involved in project design and evaluation. As an integral part of TISL, Koroma supports communities affected by corruption and a lack of transparency through capacity-building and civic engagement efforts. Koroma works closely on monitoring and evaluating TISL’s projects, as well as managing the organization’s advocacy campaigns. While in the U.S., Koroma worked with the Sunlight Foundation in Washington, DC, where he improved his knowledge of U.S .public procurement systems and local council structures. He also conducted research on procurement trends and transparency tools used by some African countries, and also contributed to developing International Procurement Guidelines. Upon return to Sierra Leone, Koroma focused on building the capacity of local community members in Eastern Sierra Leone to monitor and report on local public procurement processes in order to ensure sustainability of local community development projects.

Email: edbankskay@yahoo.com