Diego Bielinski Carvalho

Diego Bielinski Carvalho

Americas, Brazil, Peace and Conflict Resolution, 2018

As the Projects and Operations Senior Analyst of Humanize Institute, Diego Bielinski designs and finances projects pursuing sustainability in Brazil; develops business intelligence and data analysis for venture philanthropy and social private investments; and oversees the grants process, compliance, and due diligence. While in the U.S., Bielinski worked with Gender Spectrum in Emeryville, CA, where he provided clear and concise online programming administration policies and procedures and learned to understand gender beyond the binary system. Since his return to Brazil, Bielinski has focused his efforts on Parceiros Pela Amazônia,  a crowdlending platform to finance businesses with a positive socio-environmental impact in the Amazon Forest and Florestabilidade, a project focused on education and social mobilization that aims to contribute to the conservation biodiversity and climate stability in Brazil.