Aya Mana'a

Aya Mana'a

Middle East & North Africa, Israel, Environmental Issues, Peace and Conflict Resolution, 2013

Aya Mana’a works as both a Campaigns Manager at Coalition of Women for Peace and a Women Security Index Project Manager at Isha L’Isha where she focuses on increasing the inclusivity of women and the promotion of peace initiatives in Israel. Mana’a has worked with several human rights organizations including Physicians for Human Rights - Israel as an Income Coordinator, The Laborer’s Voice where she promoted female financial independency, and with the Mossawa Centre where she coordinated project activities and arranged workshops aimed at creating a common vision for Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel. During her fellowship at High Point High School in Beltsville, Maryland, Mana’a worked in the restorative practices and mediation unit. She received exposure to different ways of mediating student conflicts and improved her facilitation and communication skills, essential skills needed to support and empower communities in distress. Upon returning from the Community Solutions Program, she focused her work on building peace and tolerance among youth through integrating restorative justice curriculum in schools and organizing peer mediation and peacemaking circles.

Email: ayamanaa@yahoo.it