Audrey Patra Atuhumuze

Audrey Patra Atuhumuze

Africa, Uganda, Environmental Issues, Women and Gender Issues, 2015

As a chairperson of Love Unveiled Ministries, Audrey Patra Atuhumuze makes strategic plans and coordinates and supervises all ministry activities aimed at impacting communities through word and deed. Through the “Train a Woman, Train a Nation” project, she organizes trainings aimed at empowering women to be part of community development projects and to be financially independent. During her fellowship in the U.S, Atuhumuze hopes to gain leadership skills and to learn from other leaders how they are tackling gender-related issues in their countries. She hopes to implement some of their approaches in Uganda.

Upon returning from the Community Solutions Program, Atuhumuze plans to empower youth (especially girls) and women through education, trainings, workshops, and conferences.