Anu Sarnet

Anu Sarnet

Europe & Eurasia, Estonia, Environmental Issues, 2017

As the Head of International Relations and Projects of the Estonian Union of Co-Operative Housing Associations (EKYL) / UN Charter Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Housing in Tallinn, Anu Sarnet is responsible for EKYL's international network management and transnational cooperation with partners from the European Union and other countries to support the development of cooperative housing and sustainable living environment in Estonia and Europe and she coordinates the UN Charter Centre on Sustainable Housing in Tallinn, managing the community engagement programs in Estonia. While in the U.S., Sarnet worked with GRID Alternatives Colorado in Denver, where she was assisted the development team in outreach and dissemination activities in solar energy programs for low-income households in Colorado and planned and implemented large events for opening community solar arrays dedicated to affordable housing providers. Since her return to Estonia, Sarnet has focused her efforts on the Energy Consumers Awareness Program in Estonia to provide people in apartment blocks with energy efficient techniques  and knowledge that aims to reduce their carbon footprint via energy saving and full-scale renovation.