Alina Blaga

Alina Blaga

Europe & Eurasia, Romania, Environmental Issues, 2017

As a Vice President and Co-founder for D’Avent Association, Alina creates opportunity to empower communities to act for sustainable development with projects focused on: upcycling, urban gardening, eco-innovative buildings, and eco-tourism. Alina is an expert in educating communities to see waste as a resource, and has developed skills in project writing and implementation, presentations, and group facilitation. During her fellowship in the United States, Alina hopes to learn about eco-innovation in multiple forms, while also developing her skills in community field work through gardening and eco-buildings, eco-tourism, community outreach strategies, and fundraising. Upon returning to Romania, Alina plans to further develop the existing eco-innovation hub in Bucharest through a series of workshops where she shares, adapts and applies the methods she learned.