Aleksandra Ristova

Aleksandra Ristova

Europe & Eurasia, North Macedonia, Peace and Conflict Resolution, 2016

For the past five years, Aleksandra Ristova has worked at the youth association, creACTive, and currently serves as the manager, coordinator, and international trainer in non-formal education. She is responsible for the youth center’s day-to-day operations including organizational structure, volunteer management, and financial and project management. During her fellowship in the United States, Ristova hopes to learn strategies for establishing meaningful cooperation between creACTive and the local government and educational sectors, and how to create and develop different educational programs for at-risk youth and youth from disadvantaged groups. After returning from the Community Solutions Program, Ristova plans to further develop projects that foster tolerance and mutual understanding among youth, and decrease the number of violent conflicts in the youth center, town, and schools, all while reducing the number of drug users in Kavadarci.