Ukraine Rapid Response Fund

Ukraine Rapid Response Fund


On February 24, 2022, Russia launched an unprovoked attack on Ukraine, violating Ukraine’s sovereignty, disrupting the lives of millions of people, and creating a humanitarian crisis not seen since World War II. In response to the invasion, the Ukraine Rapid Response Fund (URRF) was created to quickly and effectively address the immediate needs of Ukrainians and assist the Ukrainian government’s efforts to support its citizens. 

Apply for a Grant from the Ukraine Rapid Response Fund 

Local partners in Ukraine are best positioned to design and implement activities to meet the needs of Ukrainians. 

We are no longer accepting program proposals from local organizations in line with program goals to build resilience and assist Ukraine’s citizens and institutions now and as they emerge from the conflict. 


  • Protect civilians and key civil society organizations from the impact of combat operations. Facilitate an effective response by planning and coordinating between Ukrainian government agencies, civil society organizations, and external supporters.
  • Mitigate the risks and impact of operating in a conflict environment by establishing safe and secure communication channels for key stakeholders.
  • Disseminate conflict-related guidance to Ukraine’s citizens to support an effective public response and promote personal safety.

Project Activities

  • Rapid Response:  Provide grants to local organizations to address immediate needs, including the distribution of food or medical supplies, first aid training ,  transportation  for vulnerable persons, or  online education programs to mitigate school disruptions. 
  • Support Government Coordination:  Improve coordination between Ukraine’s government, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders through  coordination meetings and  secure communications.
  • Ensure Secure Communication for Organizations in Ukraine:  Provide communications-related training and equipment to stakeholders in Ukraine.
  • Disseminate Conflict-Related Guidance to Ukrainian Citizens:  Mitigate the Kremlin’s disinformation in Ukraine by providing media literacy and communication training, and information about how to protect one’s personal security during war.


  • Yuliya Solovey
    Conflict and Stabilization Operations Program Director - Communities and Governance Practice