Ricardo Enrique Alba Torres

Ricardo Enrique Alba Torres

Americas, Colombia, Environmental Issues, Environmental Issues, 2024

Ricardo works in the energy and environment sector as the CEO and Co-Founder of Eko Group H2O+. For individuals and businesses seeking to improve their environmental stewardship, Eko Group H2O+'s customized sustainable solutions offer a streamlined path to adopting eco-friendly practices, which contribute to a greener future and also generate significant cost efficiencies. In the short term, Ricardo aims to implement water conservation and purification initiatives within vulnerable communities to enhance access to clean and safe water. Ultimately, Ricardo’s long-term vision is to establish Eko Group H2O+ as a leading authority in sustainable technologies. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Ricardo’s top business challenge is Scaling and Expansion. More specifically, they want to accelerate the adoption of the company’s eco-technology solutions and achieve a broader, more meaningful impact. During the Fellowship Placement, Ricardo hopes to gain exposure to expertise and networking opportunities that will enhance the reach and effectiveness of Eko Group H2O+’s sustainable initiatives.