Rafael Zinni Lopes

Rafael Zinni Lopes

Americas, Brazil, Economic Innovation and Growth, 2024

Rafael works in the technology sector as the CEO of Timbrasom. For the hearing-impaired community, Timbrasom is a social impact technology that uses an app to translate sound into vibrations, including live performances, film soundtracks, games, and streaming services. Rafael’s short-term goal is to raise awareness about the benefits of the Timbrasom app and create a community where people can feel inspired to have fun with the sound. Their long-term vision is to resolve all sound-related problems within the deaf community by creating tools to break the limits of deafness, capture our voices, present words with subtitles, and transform them into audible words. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Rafael’s top business challenge is Marketing and Sales. More specifically, they are facing difficulties in raising awareness within the community about the app and generating sales. During the Fellowship Placement, Rafael hopes to better understand how the Americans raise awareness in their communities, prospect new clients, and negotiate B2B contracts.