Patricia Alejandra Flores Mori

Patricia Alejandra Flores Mori

Americas, Peru, Civic Engagement, 2024

Patricia works in the education sector as the Chief Operating Officer of SAPHI. For individuals, companies, and governmental organizations interested in the Quechua language and indigenous cultural heritage, SAPHI is a Quechua language training program that provides translation services from Spanish to Quechua, produces products that promote and preserve indigenous cultural identity, and creates opportunities to engage with these aspects, fostering linguistic diversity, cultural appreciation, and inclusivity. Patricia’s short-term goal is to expand the company’s client base and establish partnerships with more companies and government institutions to increase the accessibility and reach of the Quechua language and cultural services. Their long-term vision is for the business to become a leading global advocate for indigenous language revaluation and cultural preservation, fostering linguistic diversity and empowering indigenous-speaking communities worldwide. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Patricia’s top business challenge is overcoming barriers to acquiring corporate and government clients and expanding the organization’s reach. During the Fellowship Placement, Patricia hopes to gain experience by implementing impactful projects that align with their skills and interests, collaborating with a Fellowship Placement Organization, and gaining insights to further their personal and professional growth.