Medgine Orvil Joachin

Medgine Orvil Joachin

Americas, Haiti, Business, 2024

Medgine works in the agriculture and animal care sector as the Owner and CEO of Galata Fanmi, an integrated socio-economic development agricultural business. Galata Fanmi is a sustainable farm-to-table provider of local, fresh, and affordable organic products for middle-class Haitians who focus on their health and well-being. Medgine long-term vision is to help female farmers find equitable circuits to sell their products across the country, achieve autonomy, and improve their lives and those of their families. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Medgine’s top business challenge is Operations. During the Fellowship placement, Medgine hopes to gain the knowledge to strengthen their leadership skills through training sessions, workshops, and hands-on activities related to agriculture; increase their skills in business creation and development, operations management, and marketing; and develop a valuable international network to share ideas and collaborate on future projects. Medgine is convinced that agriculture can create jobs and wealth in Haiti and that's one of the reason why Galata Fanmi also contributes to the capacity building of young girls in communities of intervention in the field of agricultural techniques.