Luis Rodrigo Hernandez

Luis Rodrigo Hernandez

Americas, Mexico, Business, 2024

Luis works in the data analysis and IT sector as the CIO of Hypercube. For those in Mexico and the United States who need backup and encryption services, Hypercube is a cybersecurity service using AI and top-of-the-line patented technologies to help discover threats, protect critical assets, and remediate systems operations. Luis aims to restructure the business sales process, scale to $100,000 MRR, and receive their first US customers in the short term and, ultimately, become the most reliable tool for startups, SMBs, and corporate companies—a one-stop-shop for security IT operations. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Luis’s top business challenge is Scaling and Expansion. More specifically, they strive to gain the experience to understand, connect, and scale their business in the US market. During the Fellowship Placement, Luis hopes to learn more about US IT operations, overcome challenges to day-to-day operations, and create a networking environment with their providers, partners, and customers.