Lisa Davis

Lisa Davis

Americas, Canada, Economic Innovation and Growth, 2022

Lisa works in the Fashion Sector, leading Sisters United Celebrity Hair & Fashion. A wig designer and creator, who has personal experience with hair loss requiring a wig, Lisa creates wigs specifically designed for females experiencing significant hair loss related to cancer treatment. The company was conceived when Lisa experienced hair loss and, frustrated by the lack of variety and quality hair options on offer, began designing and making wigs. Unfortunately, many wigs on the market are poor quality and an uncomfortable reminder of the customer’s cancer diagnosis. Lisa specializes in creating monofilament wigs, as these provide a comfortable solution to the significant amount of hair loss that often occurs over a short space of time. Lisa prides the company on its ability to help its clients feel good about themselves and wig wearing during difficult times. Coming to the YLAI Fellowship, Lisa’s top business challenge is scaling and expansion.