Jesse Adams

Jesse Adams

Asia, India, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Jesse Adams taught social studies at Stony Point High School since 2007. He currently teaches 9th grade World Geography and Pre-AP World Geography. His class sizes range from 18 to 28 students depending on the class period. He actively seeks out opportunities to further refine his craft as a teacher. He is also the founder and original coach of the Stony Point Rugby Club, and he also plays rugby with a men's team in Austin, Texas. By participating in the TGC program, he helped open the eyes of his students to the world, and helped them take the appropriate steps to better the world. He also brought home ideas and approaches from his experiences for the betterment of his peers and campus.

In his Global Education Guide, Jesse includes a global unit plan on examining the political systems, economic systems, and cultural elements that developed as human interaction increased. Topics include the Neolithic revolution, European exploration, industrialization and post industrialization, spatial diffusion and political control of territory. Jesse traveled to India on his International Field Experience and compiled a collection of resources that can be on his travel blog.