Graybern Livingston Forbes

Graybern Livingston Forbes

Americas, Colombia, Civic Engagement, 2021

As a Co-founder and General Coordinator of Raizal Youth Organization, Graybern Livingston has experience in designing alternative methodologies based on ancestral and intergenerational knowledge to empower young people and organize communities. He also has experience as a facilitator in youth empowerment workshops. During the fellowship, Graybern aims to learn about community planning methodologies, social innovation techniques, youth empowerment strategies, and financial sustainability. Upon returning to Colombia, he plans to scale the leadership school into a center for youth empowerment and community innovation to continue to prepare highly qualified young leaders characterized by critical and disruptive thinking, ethical awareness, social action, and civic participation to transform society from the bottom up. He also hopes to use his YLAI network to maintain contact with other organizations and learn from their experiences through an annual exchange program on San Andres Island.