Gilbert Amadi

Gilbert Amadi

Asia, India, Primary and Secondary Education, 2013

Gilbert Amadi has taught STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) classes since 1992. Since 2001, he taught physics, chemistry and robotics at Dorsey High School. Gilbert also taught physics, chemistry and junior mathematics at San Bernardino High School and Dominguez High School in Southern California. Gilbert was also an Adjunct Professor of Teacher Education at National University San Diego, CA for 11 years, where he taught classes in global democracy, cultural linguistics and educational practice for teachers in the credential program. During summer training institutes, Gilbert participated as instructor for teachers in science laboratory training. He also won several awards from the National Science Foundation’s Research Experience for Teachers program and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Academy for Preparing Teacher Scientists, where he gained valuable research experience in the areas of material science and engineering. Currently, Gilbert serves as a Common Core Science Fellow in his school district. By participating in TGC, Gilbert developed his professional skills and strategies in global education to better prepare his students. He also gained insight and knowledge from the international field experience, which he brought back to his teaching community.

Gilbert has created a GOLBAL ENERY PROJECT guide that serves as a resource for all teachers from different disciplines to collaborate in addressing the global issue of alternative energy sources. He believes that global promotes positive values and assists students to take responsibility for their actions and to see themselves as global citizens who can contribute to a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. Gilbert traveled to India on his International Field Experience and provides a collection of resources that can be found on his travel blog.