Gabriella Estefania Mendez

Gabriella Estefania Mendez

Americas, El Salvador, Environmental Issues, 2024

Gabriella works in the community development sector as the Founder and CEO of Ethnos Eco Mercado. For first-time centennial mothers who prioritize healthy and organic lifestyles, are introducing their babies to solids, and want to make a positive impact on the world, Ethnos Eco Mercado is a food and beverage company that offers a range of organic and ecological products from various entrepreneurs and regions, shares knowledge with customers, and helps entrepreneurs develop appealing products, packaging, and brands. Gabriella's short-term goal is to increase the company's sustainability and profitability. Their long-term aim is to expand the business to other parts of the country. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Gabriella's top business challenge is Finance. More specifically, they want to improve the efficiency of the company's value chain. During the Fellowship Placement, Gabriella hopes to gain knowledge by learning from the best and sharing her experiences.