Dale Deron Trotman

Dale Deron Trotman

Americas, Barbados, Health, 2024

Dale works in the health sector as the CEO of MedRegis. For young medical staff within medical offices and clinics in the Caribbean, MedRegis is a health technology company that has created the Electronic Health Record (EHR), a digital tool that streamlines patient care by creating a digital workflow to replace paper-based medical records, improving healthcare in the region by avoiding issues such as accessibility of information, time-consuming documentation, difficulties with perusing and storing information, and errors in patient data. Dale’s short-term goal is to introduce the EHR to at least one clinic within five Carribean countries by the end of the year. Their long-term goal is to position MedRegis as the regional leader in health technology. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Dale’s top business challenge is Scaling & Expansion. More specifically, they aim to identify additional ways to reach more stakeholders within clinics. During the Fellowship Placement, Dale hopes to gain relevant industry knowledge, establish crucial contacts within their network, and continue collaboration after YLAI.