Bruno Benetti

Bruno Benetti

Americas, Brazil, Business, 2024

Bruno Benetti works in the film and media sector as the Producer and Director of Alterea Film Production. For diverse audiences interested in a variety of entertainment content, Alterea Film Production delivers a broad spectrum of options across multiple viewing platforms that suit movie enthusiasts, TV viewers, and online audiences alike and not only resonate with viewers' tastes but also impart meaningful messages, foster new ways of thinking, and broaden their horizons. In the short term, Bruno Benetti aims to establish a consistent monthly revenue stream, ensuring stable employment for staff, and ultimately to produce feature-length films and major series with multi-million dollar budgets. Coming into the YLAI Fellowship, Bruno Benettiā€™s top business challenge is Scaling and Expansion. More specifically, they want to achieve a sustainable cash flow, a steady stream of projects, and for Alterea Film Production to be competitive in the market against major companies that receive government grants. During the fellowship placement, Bruno Benetti hopes to gain the knowledge necessary to effectively compete in the film market, secure sustainable funding, and navigate the challenges posed by larger companies with dominant market positions.