Brenda Mendes

Brenda Mendes

Americas, Brazil, Business, 2022

Brenda Mikaelly Mendes works in the Cosmetology sector leading Filha da Maria Terapia Capilar. This fellow is a capilar therapist who co-owns and leads a haircare brand and a hair salon for natural hair. The brand’s customers are people who have difficulty taking care of their natural hair and want to learn how to embrace the texture. The products that Filha da Maria Terapia Capilar sells help them remedy the deficiencies in the root and length of their hair. The products are unique in that they combine three aspects: exotic plants that only exist in Brazil, little-known African herbs, and ayurvedic knowledge. Coming to the YLAI Fellowship, Brenda Mikaelly Mendes’s top business challenge is Talent.