Tech Age Girls

Tech Age Girls


IREX’s Tech Age Girls methodology, implemented in Nepal and India in partnership with READ Global, is an intensive training, mentoring, and networking program.

The program models for society how young female leaders can confidently use their technology expertise to contribute to their country’s development.

IREX also carried out the program in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Myanmar, the Philippines, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.

Quick Facts

  • IREX has trained over 1,300 girls in 8 countries in digital and leadership skills.
  • As a result, participants have implemented over 400 service projects that have reached more than 10,000 people.
  • 80% of participants reported that the digital skills they learned through the program made them more competitive in the job market, and 83% are still active in their communities.
  • 76% of participants maintained the support network they gained more than 5 years after their training ended.



  • Prepare a network of young qualified professionals with the skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century workforce
  • Demonstrate that women can be technology experts who can use their skills for the benefit of others
  • Promote an expanded role for capable young women in the community
  • Promote young women’s voices in public discussion on critical issues, and increase the level of digital content in local languages on the internet with their perspective
I never dreamed in my life about training other people how to use a computer, but after attending the Tech Age Girls program, I have become a teacher in how to use the computer. Tech Age Girl

Project Activities

TAG is not a typical computer or job training program. TAG is designed to offer opportunities to learn in ways that most participants have never experienced. It provides the chance to build a support network around participants’ common identity of a young woman expert in technology. TAG helps its participants - who have typically only experienced more traditional educational methods - develop skills in independent problem-solving, and the confidence to become effective leaders.

  • Core Program: Participants meet several times a week for specialized leadership, technology, and life skills workshops. Sessions use a self-guided, collaborative methodology that emphasizes problem-solving, critical thinking, and group work. Participants complete mini-community service projects and homework assignments each week.
  • Leadership Forum: The highest achievers attend a one- to two-week in person workshop in a major city. There, girls participate in advanced tech and leadership activities, shadow business, government, and NGO professionals, and meet influential, national-level women leaders.
  • Service Projects: After the core TAG activities, participants return home to implement community projects that help cascade their new skills to others in the community.
how the tech age girls model closes the digital divide
How the program closes the digital divide



USAID logo, US flag, and US Department of State seal, Read Global logo

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe