Partner: Impact Fellowships Summit

Partner: Impact Fellowships Summit

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A speaker with a microphone.

Our partners’ support is critical to the success of the Impact Fellowships Summit.

The Impact Fellowships Summit is dedicated to improving the quality of fellowship programs so that they continue to effectively develop and serve dynamic leaders as they drive positive change in their communities. The summit’s community is sustained by our partners, whose support helps to facilitate learning, sharing, and networking to improve the quality of programming.

Since its inception, the Impact Fellowships Summit has partnered with an array of organizations. We are grateful for their commitment to support leadership development.

We are pleased to offer multiple ways for partners to get involved. Please contact Jackie Jena at or Cheryl Schoenberg at to learn more.


Ford Foundation logoCharles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation logoW.K. Kellogg Foundation logoNames & Faces logo

Submittable logoGive and Take logo.