A critical factor for recruiting and retaining effective teachers is the social status of the teaching profession. This assessment explores how current norms, relationships, and incentives shape Liberians’ views of teaching as a profession.
How can youth-led networks strengthen development outcomes for youth? This publication proposes a set of learning questions to help youth-serving networks, organizations, and donors better understand the value proposition for investing in networks to create social change.
IREX conducted an assessment of key social media influencers of youth in Ukraine. The assessment suggests who to engage to influence important conversations and activities among Ukraine’s youth.
This guide outlines the benefits of taking a youth-led approach to labor market assessments. It offers step-by-step guidance for facilitating this type of assessment.
Young people need a holistic combination of skills, opportunities, and institutional support to act as protagonists in their own lives and to bring about lasting social and economic change.
This assessment examines the massive open online course (MOOC) landscape in developing countries to better understand the motivations of MOOC users, and afford insights into MOOCs' advantages and limitations.